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MK Ultra, PSYCHEDELICS & The Subversion Of Sacred Sexuality


Sacred sexual practice is undoubtedly a way in which we can awaken our kundalini and connect to the divine, or Source energy. However, as with most things related to sex, this concept appears to be being misused, or at least misunderstood by some in the spirituality industry. Spirituality is becoming about sex, rather than sex becoming about spirituality. We see so many spiritual ‘practitioners’ using their sexuality to sell courses and coaching. Often this is under the guise of awakening the goddess energy within (it does seem to be more common for women to use their sex appeal for advertising their product), but does appearing nude or close to it on your Instagram account really give an accurate portrayal of a woman who is awakened to her shakti energy? Or is it just another way in which women have allowed themselves to be manipulated by media into giving a free show and what message does that send to those seeking to reach spiritual enlightenment? Does this in fact, actually contribute to suppression of true spiritual awakening…a case of the emperor’s new clothes? Often we can tell a lot, once we have learned how symbols present themselves throughout the collective consciousness, by the symbols that people use to represent themselves. The snake is a prominent symbol throughout spirituality as it represents rising kundalini. But it also represents other things and as we further understand how the unconscious speaks to us (making it conscious), we may better be able to read what the snake is representing, depending on the way in which it is presented. Whilst I sometimes see a rising snake, or dragons, when working with higher guidance and know that this is a representation of kundalini, this symbol is also communicated to me if my guides are warning me of imbalance or negativity connected to male sexual energy (so for example it might mean that a man is using sexuality in a way that is manipulative toward me), or sometimes if the masculine aspect to my own energy needs healing in some way. The left side of the body correlates to feminine energy and the right to masculine. I once saw a woman advertising a course she was offering to connect to the inner goddess. This woman used glamour type photos of herself throughout her social media profile. This raised a red flag for me. I then noticed in one of her photos, a tattoo of a snake wrapped around her left forearm. This literally represents the suppression of feminine energy (left side) by male sexual energy (the snake coiled around). Although the tattoo was likely created unconscious to its meaning, it showed that there is unaddressed energy trauma connected to the balance of the masculine and feminine, therefore can we reliably trust those who are making big bucks on helping us to awaken our inner goddess when such imbalances are present?

Even if a woman is aiming a product at other women and are using lots of glamour and nude shots to advertise the product, then they are encouraging women that spirituality is an expression of sexuality and that the goddess is about sexuality, which it is not. The goddess is certainly about female empowerment but if it is truly divine (or high Frequency) then it should be in balance with the sacred masculine and there ain’t no way you’re going to be in balance with the sacred aspects of masculinity by getting your arse out. A person who is truly in a high vibration will be appealing to both men and women just from the energy that they emit and is likely to be just as alluring fully clothed because essentially, attraction is about vibration. We are always drawn toward higher vibration and therefore glamour (which actually means enchantment or spell) is not necessary.

This is not the first time that we have seen sexuality creep into movements that are seen to be revolutionary or awakening. When we look back to the hippy movement of the late sixties we can observe the ideology of ‘free-love’. Also at this time, was the rise in the use of psychedelics and in order to understand that there is a correlation between these two events which is once again being repeated, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the MK ultra program if you are not already. The MK Ultra program was a CIA program which used LSD, sexual trauma, hypnosis, sensory deprivation and abuse to see if the subjects could be brainwashed and possibly turned into a Manchurian candidate. It is speculated that LSD was intentionally ‘leaked’ into the hippy movement in order to end the movement, as it opposed the Vietnam war, among other things. There are strong connections with the MK Ultra program and the Charles Manson murders as well as connections with many of the prolific figures of the music industry at the time, such as Jim Morrison and Frank Zappa. This can be better explored in David McGowan’s book ‘Weird Secrets Inside The Canyon’ and ‘Chaos’ by Tom O’Neill.

So when we observe these connections and also consider that figures such as Jim Morrison were great protagonists for the free-love movement, it appears that a connection between the free-love and psychedelically induced spiritual awakening may also be apparent. I think that it is imperative for anyone seeking spiritual connection to the divine through sex or psychedelics to consider the possible connections from that time as it appears to be a pattern that is being repeated. We are seeing increasing advocacy of hallucinogenic drugs to induce higher states of consciousness just as we are seeing increasing advocacy of sexual energy for the same purpose. The problem is, as with the hippy movement, we are only getting part of the picture.

Whilst hallucinogenics do wonders for depression and other psychological states in some cases, they can also be used to wildly manipulate and bring disorder to an individual’s awakening and not just by other humans. When we move into altered states of consciousness we are a beacon for all manner of different entities to connect with us. I believe that this is perfectly safe when we choose to have these explorations by gradually attuning ourselves to different frequencies and dimensions through meditation, as we have to work through and purge ourselves of any negative energy in order to actually experience such expansion. When we do this consciously we are taking it in stages that we can handle, climbing through higher and higher frequencies as the density is released from us. And it is only that which we are in resonance with that can actually communicate with us, therefore ‘demonic’ type frequencies are unable to connect with us when we have raised our vibration to make this journey, because they do not resonate with high vibrational energy.

However when we blast the roof open by taking hallucinogenics it does not give us the opportunity to release our density (the shadows from our traumatic/negative life experiences) and climb in stages as we do so. It just blasts us open and anything can potentially make contact and this will greatly vary depending on the state of vibration of the experiencer to begin with. Some people have great experiences where they feel super connected to Source. Others don’t. They are terrified or find it difficult to then shift the entities which have attached to them due to the fact that they have no control over their vibration and therefore what can attach to them when opening up this much, this quickly. Some that have positive experiences find frustration upon re-entering daily existence as they struggle to recreate their profound experience. These circumstances are likely to be much more favourable for those who go deep into the Amazon and work with an experienced shaman, allowing themselves a few months for the experience so the shadow aspects can be safely worked through, but there are relatively few who experience awakening through psychedelics in this way.

So therefore the experience of spiritual awakening is sort of hijacked. It is beyond the control of the experiencer, much as it was by the acid-dropping hippy generation and what is left is often a disenchanted and disillusioned shell where there should be a person who is deeply connected to the nature and purpose of their soul. Also left is a person who can potentially be more easily induced into states of anxiety and therefore manipulated.

The use of sexual energy can be hijacked in a similar way. We believe that we are connected to the god or goddess, empowered and alluring but there is always shadow work attached to self-exploitation, even if it doesn’t feel like that at the time.

I truly believe that women in particular (due to an extra chakra located at the womb which acts as a portal) are conduits for Source energy and that this can be accessed through sex. I believe this because of messages that I have been given by my own guides and other incarnations that I have experienced and remembered (and in some cases, had to work through a lot of karma from). We can use the energy of sex to ground into the human experience whilst simultaneously opening our channels to Source and this is an ancient practice which has largely been forgotten and replaced by much more dis empowering experiences of sex, by both men and women. Instead of sex as a sacred practice where we can feel both empowered and vulnerable at the same time, it has all too often become about over powering and control. This occurs in a multitude of sexual experiences. We use it to try to keep someone close to us, to influence an outcome, for momentary gratification, to humiliate, to manipulate and all manner of other damaging aims (which we are often not conscious of). But what happens when we use it to connect to something bigger, to reawaken to the memories of our own divinity, to raise our vibration so high that we change the outcome of our lives? And can we even remember how to do it?

I believe that we can but that in order to do so we need to be in great states of personal power, exclusive of others, and to be in a place where we have released our shadows and energy of past negative experiences with sex. We need to feel connected to our higher consciousness and truly in tune with our inner selves and be in a state of balance. We also need to be in resonance with the person we choose to have the experience with. That doesn’t need to mean being in a relationship with that person but how their energy feels to us does matter. Settling won’t do. Maybe there’s just one person who is in the perfect resonance with us to do this, maybe there are several, the human experience is never the same for everyone but one thing I know for certain is that we won’t find that person by public advertisement and falsified empowerment.

So go and raise your vibration. Do your shadow work. Balance your energy and you will likely feel far less inclined toward anyone or anything that is not truly going to awaken the highest expression of yourself. Your intuition knows, you just need to connect to it.

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jessica taylor jessica taylor

Incarnation From the pleiadian perspective

Incarnation from the Pleiadian perspective

One of the most revelatory concepts that I have learned by channeling Pleiades is that of the process of incarnation. Those of us who accept the idea of reincarnation primarily seem to base the concept on Buddhist or Hindu interpretations which explain the process in a linear fashion, that one life follows another. Therefore it is also often accepted that the way that we act in each life determines how we experience the next. But not so according to Pleiades. Well, not exactly anyway. You see, once we step out of the constraints of our human body, we begin to perceive our experience in a non-linear fashion. This is also how the Pleiadians that I channel experience it and this perception makes a huge difference to the idea of reincarnation.

They have explained to me that all of our incarnations, including every dimension that we choose to incarnate into, occur at once, because time is an illusion at the quantum level. I know this is a little hard to get our heads around. It’s supposed to be. Linear time is a key component, at least for now, of the human experience.

But if we can accept, although maybe not understand, that all of our incarnations happen at once then we can work with the energy of them differently.

Pleiades have explained to me that when we have ‘memories’ of other incarnations,it is because it is something about that particular life that is affecting our current one. If we are able to understand that it is actually happening at the same time, then we can learn how to interact and learn from it to heal and help the reality we are currently experiencing.

Many people are recalling memories of lives in Atlantis. This is not a coincidence, nor is it just about collective consciousness. There were thousands, possibly millions of souls who upon incarnating, chose to incarnate in both Atlantis and our current reality. This is because there would be similar events at both points in (perceived) time. So the consciousness that chose these incarnations chose to have us incarnate into both, knowing that as humans we would perceive time as linear, and would therefore be able to remember back to Atlantis to learn from the tumultuous events that caused the end of that civilization. This would allow us to bring forth information into our current reality that could help us to navigate our times in a way that will become more benevolent and bring up on a rise in human consciousness.

Learning how to connect with the awareness of the other versions of yourself is not only fascinating stuff but will also help you to realize where your energetic ties are, or in other words, the karma that you need to detangle from.

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