You Are The Temple

Jessica Taylor offers 1:1 and live audience channeling experiences, guided meditations and light language activation. Through using channeling and soul-journey meditation practices we can connect with the consciousness of high frequency beings and our higher self, better aligning us with the Universe’s abundant vibrations and unlocking the knowledge and memories that we have deep within us, which are often forgotten. We begin to learn that WE ARE the temple, and can find our own connection to Source energy by developing and expanding our consciousness and intuition.

Jessica experienced deep personal transformation by going through a spiritual awakening, a time which also taught her the importance of energetic vibration and interaction with our own higher consciousness and the Universe itself. She began by working as a facilitator for soul journeying through group and individual meditations where she also used her psychic abilities to provide insights for clients. As her spiritual work progressed, she felt her own energy move into a higher vibration and with that, the call to allow herself to become a channel for multi-dimensional, galactic consciousness, receiving insights from various cosmic beings. She is now an established psychic channel in her home of Cornwall. She regularly channels for live audiences and through 1:1 personal sessions for clients both in person and online, internationally.

a word from jessica…

'A few years ago I changed my life completely. I moved from a place of darkness, despair and lack into a totally different reality. One of joy, love and abundance, in all senses of the word. I went on a deep, spiritual exploration that took me to the outer reaches of the galaxy and into the Universe beyond, all from my own living room. In the past I had explored foreign lands and far off shores to try and find my spiritual path but it never really fell into place. It took the dark night of the soul and a shakening-awakening for me to find my soul's purpose and start stepping into my highest potential. But only because I didn't listen and often wasn't aware of the guidance when it had come in the past.

Eventually I got there and found that I could connect with energies and entities of all different frequencies and dimensions. I learned how to raise my vibration so that I could align with timelines of high frequency which bring me the best possible experiences and allow me to experience a reality that I could have only dreamed of in the past. I have the absolute privilege of being a channel for Pleiadian (& other galactic) consciousness which has changed my understanding of reality and our capabilities as humans, allowing me to have much more conscious input to the kind of life I want to experience.

So I want to try and help you to find that inner peace, connect with your inner temple and realize the truth that you are a divine, creator being without having to go through all of the muck and grime. By bringing you higher guidance and helping you to connect with your own, you will take the steps to transform your reality and learn how to get the most from the human experience as you synchronize with your highest potential and discover that all of the secrets to the Universe can be found within you. You can unlock the answers, I'll help you find your key.'

Contact us

Want to request a channeling or book Jessica for an event or interview? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We look forward to connecting!